Have You Considered My Servant Job?

I have just finished reading through the book of Job.  Here are a couple of observations that I have missed through the years:

  • Job had no idea what was going on in heaven between God and Satan concerning himself.  All Job knew was that all of a sudden he lost everything.  He lost his wealth and then he lost his children without even knowing why.  His friends thought they knew why.  Even Job had his own ideas why.  In the end however, Job realized that all he needed to know was that God is sovereign.  God is in control.
  • Job’s physical suffering was greater than what I had imagined.  His boils were so bad that his friends did not even recognize him…….I missed that.  I always thought that they were indeed painful, but I never imagined that his face was so covered with boils that he would be unrecognizable. 

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