Do You Worship the Living God or the Lego God?

Somewhere in this blog, the following statement can be found; If you believe in evolution, god is man’s idea. If you believe in creation, man was God’s idea.

The Creator God is the living God.  He is the great I AM.  I AM is in the present tense which means that the past, present and future are all alike to Him.  He is not confined or restricted by time.

Time is His creation and and as His creatures, we function within the confines of His creation.  The living God stands outside of time, observing everything that is taking place within, while bringing to pass His sovereign will according to His sovereign purpose.  

We are the participants, who knowingly or unknowingly walk according to His sovereign purpose.  I recall a certain person who said something to me over forty-five years ago that redirected my life’s path.

This individual doesn’t remember what he said to me.  To my knowledge he does not know the God that used his words to direct me.  He was just a sign post.  How sad!  God will accomplish His purposes using even unwilling, unknowing, and rebellious participants.  How much better it is to be a willing, knowing, and submissive participant!

Not long ago I had a conversation with a man with whom I had consumed a considerable amount of alcohol, while working a summer job when we were teenagers.  When I tried to convey to him how God had changed my life through Christ, he said to me; If I had it to do over again, I wouldn’t change a thing!  

After trying different approaches without success, I finally explained to him, what I have conveyed in the second and third paragraphs above, about who God is.  The man’s countenance changed, his belligerent confidence seemed to disappear, and then we were interrupted.  We never finished that conversation, but I pray that he will become a knowing and willing participant in God’s kingdom through Jesus Christ, who can change a heart of stone to a heart of flesh.

The living God can make Himself known to whomever He chooses, by His Spirit, His written word, and through His Son, Jesus Christ.

The lego god is whatever you want it to be, kinda like picking out food on a smorgasbord.  A couple of these, one of those, and oh, I will try this as well.  Isn’t this nice!  This god can be whatever you want it to be, because after all, this god is man’s idea.  Build a god to your liking and see if it can satisfy the deep craving of your soul.

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