Who Is God?

A well-known apologist was speaking to an assembly of Russian military officers on the subject of “Theism versus Atheism” a few years ago.  After he finished his presentation and opened for questions, he reached for a glass of water to take a drink.  Before he could raise the glass, a Russian officer fired a comment and a question at him, You keep referring to God,………..who is God?

If someone asked you, Who is so and so? what would you say?  I’m sure that in the process of answering that question, a physical description, place of residence, occupation, family members, various activities and many other things would be mentioned to identify said person.  But what would you say if you were asked, Who is God?

Since God is a spirit, a physical description would be difficult. There are, however, many words to describe Him as a spirit.  He is infinite. Keep in mind that any number (billions/quadrillions/etc.) compared to infinity is zero.  He is eternal which means no beginning and no end.  He is sovereign which means basically that He is in control.  He can make good come out of bad and He sets up rulers and kings to suit His purposes, not ours.  God is the self existent one which means He doesn’t need you and me.

God is all wise, all powerful, all knowing and everywhere present which means that you can run, but you can’t hide, that you can fix up the outside of the barn, but He still knows what is inside.  He is also perfect or without sin which is a problem for us, because nothing that is sinful can enter into His presence and live, which is politically incorrect, but not a problem for Him.  He also does favors.

God is a trinity.  He is the “Three in One”: God the Father (Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven), God the Son (He visited us), and God the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit lifts up Christ, convicts men of sin (it is He whom we resist); regenerates by His word, and seals our salvation.

God’s dwelling place is in the third heaven which is outside our universe (we have been to the moon).  He also resides in believers not the church building.  Believers are those who are resting in the finished work of God’s Son, Jesus Christ.  Believers are God’s children, by virtue of God’s grace (His enabling) through faith in the Son’s death, burial and resurrection from the dead.

God is the Creator (one of His many activities and occupations) which means He most likely does not believe in evolution.  He is the provider and sustainer of life and all its benefits.  God is love which means that He is perfect in all His choices and all His relationships.  We are not.

God is the Righteous Judge with whom we have to do.  We will all stand before Him and give account; believers for reward as stewards of his gifts, unbelievers for the death sentence earned by rejecting His Son.

God is an author.  He gave us a book called the Bible.  It is the most printed and published book of all time.  Nothing else comes close.  In atheistic countries people are dying to read it.  In our country we are trying to purge it.  You should read it while you can.  If you do, read a translation.  Leave the paraphrases alone.  You will want to know exactly what He said, not what someone thinks He said.

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