But What About Science?

For creationists and non-creationists the facts are the same. The differences between the two lie in the interpretation of the facts. Christians must be discerning when it comes to scientific facts versus someone’s scientific interpretation.

The discovery of an expanding universe points to a beginning or point of origin for the universe which favors the idea  of a creator. Instead interpreters of science peddle the “Big Bang” idea.

The “Big Bang” idea leaves open the question of where the materials, gases, etc. came from that were necessary for the “Big Bang”.  Because there is no satisfactory observable answer to this question, it becomes a matter of faith to hold this position.

The laws of physics confirm that particles released from an explosion all rotate in the same direction.  We would expect therefore that all heavenly bodies in our solar system rotate in the same direction.

Recent discoveries indicate that there are a couple of heavenly bodies in our solar system that are exceptions to this rule.  At least one of these exceptions rotates in the opposite direction of all the other heavenly bodies in our solar system.  

How should we interpret this finding?  Are the laws of physics incorrect?  Not likely, since repeatable observable phenomenon concerning explosions confirm these laws.  Perhaps we should just consider that our solar system and the universe did not start by the way of an explosion?

Those who would exclude God from the interpretation, look at the precise arrangement of Stonehenge and conclude that an amazing intelligent civilization built it.

The same people then look at our solar system with its precise timing, rotation and delicate balance to sustain life ( a finely crafted timepiece) and conclude that it is not the product of intelligent design?

Which is it?  You decide, but please do not condemn faith’s role in the equation.  An honest assessment should conclude that faith is a factor on both sides of this argument.  It is just that someone’s faith is misplaced.

It is hypocritical of those who believe science has all the answers, to belittle Creationists for “faith” when non-Creationists resort to faith in future discoveries of science when science cannot provide all the facts presently.

Christian faith is not a blind leap in the dark.  Christian faith is built upon the integrity of Scripture and the integrity of scripture is well established.

The Bible is unmatched in the fulfillment of prophecy and it’s accuracy on timing and predicting future events.   Biblical names and places have been affirmed over and over again by archaeology when the interpreters of science said they didn’t exist.

The Bible is not a product of human thought in that it does not cover up the failings and short comings of its main characters and people as a human author would.  This book tells all without bias and without cover up.  It is a divine book and it fully exposes the guilt of mankind in general and God’s people alike for rebellion and self will.  Those that are changed by it’s truth are never the same.  

The fact that the Bible is the most published and printed book in the history of mankind, should prompt even the most devout doubter to examine the Bible’s pages and consider it’s claims.

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.  Hebrews 11:3 KJV

  • For more information on similar topics go to: www.creationastronomy.com or www.answersingenesis.org
  • Of particular interest at The Answers in Genesis website is the article entitled; The Ten Best Evidences from Science that Confirm a Young Earth.
  • The Creation Astronomy website is written and produced by Spike Psarris, previously an engineer with the United States military space program.

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