Which Came First?

We are all familiar with the question: which came first, the chicken or the egg?  May I present to you a similiar question: which came first, God or the universe?

If God came first, then He is the Creator.  If the universe came first, then the idea of God is the product of man.

The way that you and I live and think reveals what we really do believe.

Here’s another one for you:  which came first, a living cell or DNA?Can you have one without the other?  Isn’t DNA just basically information or genetic instruction that determines what “it” is?

So where did the information come from?  Did the information come first or …….the source of information?  

Isn’t specifically detailed  and organized  information the result of intelligence or did some primordial computor explode somewhere spewing specifically detailed and organized information into the universe resulting in life?

Whichever way this question is answered……..it will involve faith.  According to WE Vine faith is defined as a firm persuasion or conviction based on hearing.  If you are an evolutionist there is no doubt in my mind that you have a large amount of faith.  Doesn’t that make you religious?

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