Where Is Hell?

One of our kids always wanted to debate with me about the location of heaven.  His contention was that if I pointed up towards heaven and someone on the opposite side of the earth was pointing up to heaven, we would be pointing in opposite directions.  I’ll leave you to figure it out from there.

The location of hell may not be so complicated.  If it is beneath our feet in the center of the earth, then individuals on opposite sides of the earth would point in the same direction.  

There are many references in Scripture which speak of going down into the pit or into hell.  Some of them are merely references to the grave and some are references to a literal hell into which one would descend.  

Hell is described as a place of fire and darkness.  There are also references to a lake of fire.  Hell is described as a place from which there is no escape.  Each of these descriptions is compatible with a center of the earth location.

There is a passage in Scripture that says, “Hell hath enlarged itself.”  I often think of this verse when I hear of volcanic eruptions and I wonder if hell is indeed enlarging itself under our feet.

Another consideration for hell’s location could simply be a black hole.  This frightening cosmic phenomena reminds one of an oceanic whirlpool which sucks everything within reach down to destruction.  The black hole pulls in everything including light. There would certainly be no escape from such a thing as that.

Hell is more frightening than a black hole because it is eternal (unending) and it is able to confine that which is of a spirit nature.  Satan and his demons are spirit creatures.  Man is a spirit creature who will live somewhere forever when his physical body expires.  The hell of Scripture has the ability and capacity to contain, confine, and restrain spirit beings.  

We could engage in endless debate and speculation about hell’s location, but we can only rely on what the Scripture reveals to us. A piece of literature from the Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago contains a simple but profound description of where hell is.  It says simply this: “Where is hell?  Hell is at the end of a Christ rejecting life.”

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