At Christmas time we celebrate, knowingly or unknowingly, the anniversary of the Creator God’s bodily visit to this earth. Approximately two thousand years ago He stepped from the throne of heaven to a lowly manger in the little town of Bethlehem by way of a virgin Jewish maiden named Mary.
His visit was foretold in the books of the Old Testament scripture. His method of arrival by way of the virgin birth was announced, His tribe was revealed, His birthplace was named and the time of His arrival was given. Many other details about the life He was to live, the death He was to die and of His resurrection from the dead, were also given.
In spite of all this information and Israel’s fervent belief in a coming Messiah, there was very little attention given to the actual event of His birth, which we now celebrate. Only the lowly shepherds came from their hillside vigil to wonder at this little baby who was to become the Saviour. Later the wise men from the East would find their way to Him and worship.
God’s Son, Jesus Christ was born into this world to die for your sins and for mine. Scripture declares that the wages of sin is death. Death is separation. Physical death is separation from the body. Spiritual death is separation from God.
His substitutionary death upon the cross of Calvary was to pay the sin penalty that all we as sinners owe. If we choose to pay it ourselves, we will be eternally separated from God in hell. If we accept the payment that God made for us, by believing on this Jesus and His finished work, then we will live with God forever.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” John 3:16.
Not many were prepared for the great event of the Saviour’s birth, and not many recognized it for what it really was. Humanity failed to welcome God to the world that He created. As a matter of fact we rejected Him and slew Him on a cross.
Before Christ died and was resurrected, He promised believers that He would return for them. After His resurrection, as He ascended bodily into heaven, angels announced: “This same Jesus that is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven”.
We were not told the time or the place, only that He will return. He is coming again. Are you ready?