The Obvious Will of God

Moral Purity

Do you want to know the will of God concerning your life?  Are you obeying the things that God has clearly stated in Scripture concerning His will?

   I Thessalonians 4: 3-8 states; 

For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain (to keep oneself from) from fornication (illicit sexual intercourse, including adultery): That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel (exercise self-control) in sanctification (separation unto God through Christ as a result of obedience to His word) and honour (a valuing); Not in the lust (strong desire) of concupiscence (to set one’s heart upon in a bad way), even as the Gentiles which know not God: That no man go beyond and defraud his brother (stir up a desire in another that cannot be fulfilled biblically) in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger (judge) of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified.  For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness (being set apart).  He therefore that despiseth (to reject or set aside), despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given unto us his holy Spirit.

Abstinence from fornication is clearly the will of God.  Unfortunately, I think Christian singles are susceptible to being “culturized”.  The Christian single may be tempted to justify certain physical behaviours in a dating relationship by saying or thinking; we are not having sexual intercourse.  In the mean-time participation in these certain physical activities is preparing the body for just that.

In the verses above the Apostle Paul not only forbids illicit sexual activity, but he goes on to admonish us to exercise self-control through separation unto God by obedience to His word.  He warns against following the culture (the Gentile unbelievers) and he warns against stirring up in another a desire that cannot be fulfilled biblically.

Paul warns us because the Lord is the Judge of all such.  He has called us unto holiness (being set apart).  Paul warns that to reject this instruction is not rejecting man, but God. 

Paul concludes the section above by reminding us that God has also given believers His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit indwells us and He is grieved when we sin.

If you are a Christian single who is dating, use some common sense.  Do not engage in intimate kissing and touching!  This is not love, it is passion!  This is not God’s will, it is self-will!  Genuine love will not defraud or stir up in another a desire that cannot be fulfilled biblically.  If you are dating, remind yourself of this daily.  The display of genuine love always seeks the best for the object of its affections.   If you are dating someone who is pushing physical intimacy, they do not have your best interests at heart.  In other words, they do not love you.

When dating, do not isolate yourselves from others.   Keep yourself accountable and visible to others.  If you have become engaged, be all the more diligent.  Until you exchange vows, you are NOT married.   Guilt can damage or destroy a relationship and it will affect your fellowship with God.  This is not the way to start a marriage and it is not the foundation upon which to build a marriage.

Keep in mind that whoever you marry becomes God’s will for you.  There is nothing you can do to change this past decision without sinning.  Marriage based on mutual attraction involving a physical type relationship is a poor foundation for choosing a life’s mate.  It is getting the cart before the horse.  Marriage decisions made under these conditions can lead to an unhappy marriage being God’s will for you.

If you do not know what to do…….please get biblical counseling from a Bible believing pastor.

……….and let the word of Christ dwell in you richly……..

Note:  If you do not know a Bible believing pastor with which to seek counsel, you may contact Leading Horses to Water by letter @ 48 Deer Run Trail, Climbing Hill, IA 51015.  

Note also:  Marriage as referred to above is defined as one man and one woman united together before God as one flesh. 

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