Who Is the Weaker Vessel?

“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them (wives) according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered”  I Peter 3:7.

When the Bible says “weaker vessel” in reference to wives, it commands husbands to give “honor” unto the wife as the weaker vessel.  Weaker vessel with honor carries the idea of fragility combined with great value like a precious vase or a priceless painting.

Honor, according to WE Vine and the American Heritage dictionary, means to value, to highly esteem, to respect and to prize.   For the husband this means giving the wife an exalted position without lording it over her or ridiculing her.  

When Christ’s disciples argued over who would be greatest among them, Christ taught them that he who would be greatest would be servant of all.  The husband who is serious about being a spiritual leader in his home must have a servant’s heart.  He must lead by example, by doing, by serving.

Occasionally it’s hard to tell, between husband and wife, who is the weaker vessel, because some husbands refuse to do what they consider to be women’s work.  There are only two things that are truly women’s work: having  babies and nursing them.  Everything else is on the table for both husbands and wives.  A servant’s heart is not selective.

Often the husband’s priorities are not the wife and kids.  If they were, husbands wouldn’t be stepping over the wife’s still, exhausted body on the way out the door to unwind after a rough day at work.

The wife is the weaker vessel?  Husbands, do you really believe that?  If you do then gather the wife up off the floor and watch the kids for the rest of the evening.  Lay your troubles aside and engage the wife in adult conversation for an hour or so.  Don’t try to give advice, just listen and if necessary, make decisions.  

Husbands, give the wife the TV control and finish cleaning up the kitchen and folding the clothes for her when she needs a break. Ask the wife if there is anything that she needs to be done first,  before embarking on your agenda for the evening or weekend.

If you truly believe that women are the weaker vessel, then demonstrate man-strength by giving the wife a hand and by giving it with honor!  Quit debating with her.  Listen to the wife and address her concerns.  Quit demanding a following.  Quit trying to herd the family rather than lead it.  Quit wondering why no one will “king me”!  Get out front and lead by serving.  Your kids are watching.


  • Part of giving the wife honor is treating her with respect and ensuring that the children do the same.  Early in our marriage when the kids were quite young, I impressed upon the children, that an offense against their mother was an offense against me.  I rarely had to deal with disrespect.
  • For those in Christian ministry, the family often becomes secondary in priority to the ministry.  In these cases the ministry is doomed to failure* unless priorities are corrected.  If the husband is not doing right by the wife his prayers will be hindered and if the children are not in subjection, the father and husband is disqualified from leading the church.  *Failure of ministry referred to here is not referring to fewer numbers, volume or scope.  Failure of ministry is the loss of God’s power to do His work biblically and therefore effectively. 
  • A husband should not be all things to all women.  The only opinion that should concern a husband is that of what his wife thinks of him.
  • A Christian husband who thinks of his wife as inferior to himself and who subsequently treats her this way, is not thinking biblically.   


The Work of the Holy Spirit Today – Part 1a

Where do you go in the Bible to find out what the Holy Spirit is doing  in the lives of Christian believers?

The book of Ephesians is one of the best places in Scripture to study the acts of the Holy Spirit in the church today.  There is a lot of confusion in the church about His ministry.  The book of Ephesians with its many references to the Holy Spirit will help clear up much of that confusion.

Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is practical and clear in its expression.  It is down to earth but rich in the heavenly.

Remember this principle; do not base doctrinal teaching upon unclear passages.  Always build off of the clear teachings of Scripture. You will find clear teaching and clear application concerning the Holy Spirit in the book of Ephesians.

Read Ephesians through marking each reference to the Holy Spirit. How many references to Him can you find?  When you see the word “spirit” not capitalized, it will likely be a reference to the spirit of man.  The word “Spirit” capitalized is a reference to the Holy Spirit of God.

After you’ve marked each reference to the Holy Spirit, read the verse or verses over and over again or write them down on a piece of paper for study.  Each reference will teach you something special and different about Him.

Ask yourself what He is doing right now in your life.  How does the Holy Spirit’s work secure the believer in his relationship to God?   Who does the Holy Spirit provide access to?   What does He make of us for God?  What was His work in relation to the apostles and prophets?  What does He endeavor to do in the body of believers?

How many Holy Spirits are there?  How do we know that the Holy Spirit is a person?  How long are we kept by Him?  What is the fruit of the Spirit?  How is it manifested?  Who does the Holy Spirit want to control?  How is His control manifested?  What is the evidence of it?  What is the Holy Spirit’s sword?  How should we pray?

What is His ministry?  

The answers to all the above mentioned questions are found in the book of Ephesians and will define His ministry today in the life of the believer and in the body of believers which is the church.



He Is Coming Again!

At Christmas time we celebrate, knowingly or unknowingly, the anniversary of the Creator God’s bodily visit to this earth. Approximately two thousand years ago He stepped from the throne of heaven to a lowly manger in the little town of Bethlehem by way of a virgin Jewish maiden named Mary.

His visit was foretold in the books of the Old Testament scripture.  His method of arrival by way of the virgin birth was announced, His tribe was revealed, His birthplace was named and the time of His arrival was given.  Many other details about the life He was to live, the death He was to die and of His resurrection from the dead, were also given.

In spite of all this information and Israel’s fervent belief in a coming Messiah, there was very little attention given to the actual event of His birth, which we now celebrate.  Only the lowly shepherds came from their hillside vigil to wonder at this little baby who was to become the Saviour.  Later the wise men from the East would find their way to Him and worship.

God’s Son, Jesus Christ was born into this world to die for your sins and for mine.  Scripture declares that the wages of sin is death. Death is separation.  Physical death is separation from the body.  Spiritual death is separation from God.

His substitutionary death upon the cross of Calvary was to pay the sin penalty that all we as sinners owe. If we choose to pay it ourselves, we will be eternally separated from God in hell.  If we accept the payment that God made for us, by believing on this Jesus and His finished work, then we will live with God forever.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” John 3:16.

Not many were prepared for the great event of the Saviour’s birth, and not many recognized it for what it really was.  Humanity failed to welcome God to the world that He created.  As a matter of fact we rejected Him and slew Him on a cross.

Before Christ died and was resurrected, He promised believers that He would return for them.  After His resurrection, as He ascended bodily into heaven, angels announced: “This same Jesus that is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven”.

We were not told the time or the place, only that He will return.  He is coming again.  Are you ready?

Its Christmas Every Day!

Christmas may be celebrated every December 25th, but to me, Christmas comes every day.  Each day I live, I experience the gifts of God.  What does anyone have that was not given him by God?

The ability to see and appreciate the sights, to hear and enjoy the sounds, to smell and inhale the freshness, to taste and to savor, to be healthy and to work are gifts God bestows on every day life.

Beyond the physical are the gifts of repentance and faith, the gifts of forgiveness and eternal life, the gifts of a pure conscience and freedom from sin’s power, the gift of a heavenly Father and a heavenly destination, the gift of understanding and purpose, the gifts of the Holy Spirit to serve and to edify the faithful, are all freely given by God to those who will believe on His Son as their only hope of salvation.

Have you experienced any of God’s gifts?  If so, have you paused today to praise Him and thank Him for His wonderful gifts to you?

Merry Christmas!

The Social Gospel Is Still With Us – Part III

We need to be reminded that neo-orthodoxy shares with theological liberalism the bias of unbelief which is manifested by their embrace of higher criticism.  Higher criticism treats the Bible as a fallible product of man, not as the God-breathed infallible book it claims to be.  

For example: Jesus credits Moses with the writing of the first five books of the Old Testament, but higher criticism assigns their authorship to four different authors designated as J, E, D & P.   The Lord endorses Genesis chapter three as historical and literal, but it is regarded by higher criticism as mythological.  

Higher criticism presupposes that no one can miraculously forecast what is to come (not even God), so they alter well established dates in order to have the fulfillment of prophesies occur after the forecast and not before.   Although it takes greater faith to believe this, the universal flood (which covered the mountains), is passed off as a local flood.   In these ways higher criticism explains away the supernatural and miraculous. 

Charles Ryrie, in his book on neo-orthodoxy, uses the term “destructive criticism” to describe what is referred to here as higher criticism.  Destructive criticism does exactly that.  It trys to destroy the credibility of Scripture.

Neo-orthodoxy fully embraces the destructive practices of higher criticism while attempting to construct a theology that has no credibility without the Scripture.  This is the Barthian’s great bias against the truth of the Bible and yet they fully insist that they are the true advocates of Christianity.  

If the accounts of Scripture and the words of Jesus Christ are not credible facts, what is left to build on?  The absurdity of neo-orthodoxy is that they have an answer, but by their own admission they have nothing credible to base it on.  

The three main voices of neo-orthodoxy are the Protestant theologians Karl Barth, Emil Brunner and Reinhold Niebuhr.

Deitrich Bonhoeffer’s name can hardly be mentioned without including the name of Karl Barth who influenced Bonhoeffer more than any other theologian.  Bonhoeffer was imprisoned by the Nazis for his part in an assassination plot against Hitler.  He was brutally hanged shortly before the Allies liberated his place of imprisonment.

Many hail Dietrich Bonhoeffer as a Christian martyr.  Bonhoeffer was martyred for a cause no doubt,  but if he was indeed neo-orthodox, that cause was not Bible believing Christianity.

  •  Can one deny the words of Christ and still retain enough of His integrity to call Him the Saviour of the world or the Son of God?  

Jesus said, “Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and these are they which testify of me.  And ye will not come to me that ye might have life.”  John 5:39 & 40

Speaking again in John 6:63, Jesus says; “………the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.”

  • Can one deny or ignore the literal, historical, and miraculous event of the resurrection of Christ and still have enough objective evidence to retain the integrity of Christianity?

Paul challenged this position by asking, “………how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead?  But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.” 

“Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.” 

“And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.”  

“If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.” I Corinthians 15:12b-19


  • If Christian theology is not based on objective historical accounts as recorded in the Bible, then Christianity has no credibility and any man’s religious imagination becomes as good as the next man’s.
  • If you are an unbeliever, you cannot just blow this off, agree with neo-orthodoxy, and call it good.  There is too much at stake to just ignore the claims of the Scriptures, as well as its track record for accuracy and the changed lives of believers world wide throughout history, without a thorough investigation.  If you do blow it off and it is true, then you lose………for eternity.  There is no coming back.  
  • Don’t  take my word for it.  Do your own investigation concerning the truth of the Bible and be honest about it.

Who Is God?

A well-known apologist was speaking to an assembly of Russian military officers on the subject of “Theism versus Atheism” a few years ago.  After he finished his presentation and opened for questions, he reached for a glass of water to take a drink.  Before he could raise the glass, a Russian officer fired a comment and a question at him, You keep referring to God,………..who is God?

If someone asked you, Who is so and so? what would you say?  I’m sure that in the process of answering that question, a physical description, place of residence, occupation, family members, various activities and many other things would be mentioned to identify said person.  But what would you say if you were asked, Who is God?

Since God is a spirit, a physical description would be difficult. There are, however, many words to describe Him as a spirit.  He is infinite. Keep in mind that any number (billions/quadrillions/etc.) compared to infinity is zero.  He is eternal which means no beginning and no end.  He is sovereign which means basically that He is in control.  He can make good come out of bad and He sets up rulers and kings to suit His purposes, not ours.  God is the self existent one which means He doesn’t need you and me.

God is all wise, all powerful, all knowing and everywhere present which means that you can run, but you can’t hide, that you can fix up the outside of the barn, but He still knows what is inside.  He is also perfect or without sin which is a problem for us, because nothing that is sinful can enter into His presence and live, which is politically incorrect, but not a problem for Him.  He also does favors.

God is a trinity.  He is the “Three in One”: God the Father (Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven), God the Son (He visited us), and God the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit lifts up Christ, convicts men of sin (it is He whom we resist); regenerates by His word, and seals our salvation.

God’s dwelling place is in the third heaven which is outside our universe (we have been to the moon).  He also resides in believers not the church building.  Believers are those who are resting in the finished work of God’s Son, Jesus Christ.  Believers are God’s children, by virtue of God’s grace (His enabling) through faith in the Son’s death, burial and resurrection from the dead.

God is the Creator (one of His many activities and occupations) which means He most likely does not believe in evolution.  He is the provider and sustainer of life and all its benefits.  God is love which means that He is perfect in all His choices and all His relationships.  We are not.

God is the Righteous Judge with whom we have to do.  We will all stand before Him and give account; believers for reward as stewards of his gifts, unbelievers for the death sentence earned by rejecting His Son.

God is an author.  He gave us a book called the Bible.  It is the most printed and published book of all time.  Nothing else comes close.  In atheistic countries people are dying to read it.  In our country we are trying to purge it.  You should read it while you can.  If you do, read a translation.  Leave the paraphrases alone.  You will want to know exactly what He said, not what someone thinks He said.

Why Do People Go To Hell?

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.

I have not counted the references myself, but I have heard it said on many occasions by others who have counted them, that Jesus Christ warned more about hell in the Scriptures than he preached on heaven.

Hell is a real place, a place that contains souls of men and from which there is no escape.  “Everlasting punishment” (Matthew 25:46) is that which never ends.  Hell is a place of fire and darkness. It is a place of pain and anguish.  It was created for Satan and his angels, but they, contrary to the cartoon images, will not be inflicting pain on others.  They will be the objects of torment themselves.  Such a terrible place, why do people end up there?

When God created Adam and placed him in a perfect environment (the Garden of Eden), he could have made man a robot, who would have always done exactly as God wanted. Instead God made man with a will and with it the ability to make decisions of his own volition.  Adam disobeyed God and sin entered the world.  Death came.  Spiritual death first which is separation from God. “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12).

God did not hesitate when Adam fell.  He immediately gave the first promise of the Redeemer (Genesis 3:15), which made it possible for all men to be delivered from God’s judgment.  Man only needed to believe God and accept God’s provision for man’s salvation.  God sent his Son to die in our place and to rise again from the dead.

What God provided is adequate for every sinner who ever lived, but it is only applied on our behalf when we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ according to the Scriptures, accepting him as our own personal Saviour.  “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” (John 3:36).

Why do people go to hell?  They do not go to hell because they are immoral, profane or dishonest.  The committing of any sin, whether in the heart or in the life, is simply an affirmation of our sinful condition and our need for a Saviour.  These sins can be forgiven.

They do not go to hell due to lack of provision for God has provided salvation and forgiveness of sin for all men based only upon the merits of Christ’s substitutionary death and bodily resurrection.

People go to hell because of unbelief.  “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God” (John 3:18).

The Scriptures say that the demons believe.  “Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe and tremble.” (James 2:19).   Is our belief any different from their belief?  Does that mean that those demons are saved from God’s judgment also?

Their belief is similar to how we might believe in George Washington.  We know when he lived, we know facts about his life and we believe he existed, but we do not know him personally. Many people believe in Christ in this way but this is not true belief.

True belief is to be persuaded of, and therefore to place confidence in, to trust, to rely upon.  Have you trusted Christ as your own personal Saviour?  Are you depending on Him as your only hope of salvation?


The Social Gospel is Still With Us – Part II

“Higher criticism” which is embraced by neo-orthodoxy regards the written Word (the Bible) as a collection of stories which are the product of fallible men.  Neo-orthodoxy’s disposition, toward the written Word therefore, is that the Bible contains myths or sagas and has no historical or scientific validity.

The great contradiction of neo-orthodoxy is that it builds a “Christian” system of theology without any regard for the credibility of the written Word upon which the foundation of Christianity rests.  If the written Word is not what it claims to be, then it can only be fraudulent lies or insanity.  

Why would anyone want to pursue or build a “Christian” religious system based upon such a presupposition? The only logical conclusion therefore, concerning  neo-orthodoxy, is that unbelief is blind.

The Social Gospel is Still With Us – Part I

Liberal theology, in the early part of the 20th century, promised peace on earth, harmony with all, and a united world.  Liberal theologians believed in the basic goodness of man, his high intellectual capability, and man’s ability to love one another into utopia.  Reality set in when World War’s I & II were fought.  The wars destroyed the love, peace, and harmony tenants of liberal theology.[1] 

A new group of theologians individually developed  strategies (wittingly or unwittingly) to make the unbelief they shared with liberal theology heard and accepted.  The common ground shared with the liberal camp is higher criticism which regards the written Word as the fallible product of man.[2]  These theologians clothed their new ideas in the language of Scripture thus making them acceptable to the professing populace of the church.[3]  The result was the theology of neo-orthodoxy which means new right thinking.  

Neo-orthodox theologians declared a return to the Word of God, but they did not mean to the written Word.[4]  Neo-orthodoxy embraces higher criticism which treats the written Word as a fallible product of man.[5]  In the neo-orthodox view none of the events of Scripture need to be true historical events.[6]  “Science, the Barthians say, has delivered us from having to believe the Genesis stories…”[7]

The Word they reference is a revelation of Jesus, but without the written record to hold their teaching accountable and in check.[8] Original sin changes from the depravity of man to man’s awareness that he is not what he should be.[9]  God’s justice takes priority over His love. The resurrection becomes renewal, manifesting itself in the cause of righting the wrongs of social injustice.[10]  The cross involves the dying of self but without the blood of redemption.[11]

When neo-orthodoxy issues a call to the Word of God, it is not concerned about the historical events of Scripture or even a literal historical resurrected Christ.  Neo-orthodoxy identifies Jesus as the Word or Logos, but any connection of Him to the written Word is unnecessary for them.[12]  Neo-orthodoxy’s Jesus exists in a spiritual fog bank divorced from the Christ of Scripture.  

One of the three main voices of neo-orthodoxy was Reinhold Niebuhr who, by the way, is credited with writing the ”Serenity Prayer” which is held in high regard by most of Christendom.

Niebuhr was a Lutheran minister, who became heavily involved in the politics of his day. He was a social activist.  His activism involved championing the cause of oppressed workers before unionization.  He was also a political activist.   Early on he ran for office as a Socialist, but later moved on because of disagreement with their pacifist policies.  He was a founder of the Americans for Democratic Action and held office in the Liberal Party of the State of NY.[13]

The basic goals of Niebuhr’s neo-orthodoxy were giving  individuals a better quality of life, righting social wrongs and leveling the playing field both socially and economically or in short, social justice.  “The thing that keeps love and power in balance is justice, which is the way love is translated into social action.”[14] 

Neo-orthodoxy has permeated the theological thought of America’s seminaries.  As go the seminaries, so go the churches. The appeal of an “intellectual” approach to Christianity has enabled professing Christendom to remain religious and at the same time deny the written Word that is the very basis of all we know and believe concerning God and His Son, Jesus Christ.[15]

The Lord said concerning the Scriptures; “…and they are they which testify of me.  And ye will not come to me that ye might have life” (John 5:39 & 40).


  • A few years back, IPTV ran a special on the life of Jimmy Carter.  In that special it was stated that one of Jimmy Carter’s favorite theologians is Reinhold Niebuhr.[16] 
  • In an interview with the journalist David Brooks, prior to his election to his first term as president, Mr. Obama stated that one of his favorite philosophers is Reinhold Niebuhr.[17]

[1] (Ryrie, Charles Caldwell. “Chapter 4.” Neoorthodoxy – Chicago: Moody, 1956. 15 & 16. Print.)

[2] Hordern, William E. “Chapter 5.” A Layman’s Guide to Protestant Theology. New York: MacMillan, 1955. 112. Print.

[3] (Ryrie, Charles Caldwell. “Chapter 6.” Neoorthodoxy – Chicago: Moody, 1956. 24. Print.)

[4] (Ryrie, Charles Caldwell. “Chapter 1.” Neoorthodoxy – Chicago: Moody, 1956. 5 & 6. Print.)

[5] (Ryrie, Charles Caldwell. “Chapter 12.” Neoorthodoxy – Chicago: Moody, 1956. 45. Print.)

[6] & [8] (Ryrie, Charles Caldwell. “Chapter 6.” Neoorthodoxy – Chicago: Moody, 1956. 23. Print.)

[7] (Ryrie, Charles Caldwell. “Chapter 13.” Neoorthodoxy – Chicago: Moody, 1956. 51. Print.)

[9] (Ryrie, Charles Caldwell. “Chapter 8.” Neoorthodoxy – Chicago: Moody, 1956. 31. Print.)

[10] & [14] (Ryrie, Charles Caldwell. “Chapter 8.” Neoorthodoxy – Chicago: Moody, 1956. 32. Print.)

[11] (Ryrie, Charles Caldwell. “Chapter 10.” Neoorthodoxy – Chicago: Moody, 1956. 40. Print.)

[12] (Ryrie, Charles Caldwell. “Chapter 6.” Neoorthodoxy – Chicago: Moody, 1956. 22-25. Print.)

[13] Bennett, Rev. John C. “Reinhold Niebuhr.” Encyclopaedia Britannica. N.p.: n.p., 2014. Print.

[15] (Ryrie, Charles Caldwell. “Chapter 4.” Neoorthodoxy – Chicago: Moody, 1956. 17. Print.)

[16] (American Experience – Jimmy Carter. Iowa Public Television. 24 Feb. 2011. Television.)

[17] Brooks, David. “Obama, Gospel & Verse.” NY Times 26 Apr. 2007: n. pag. Print.

Ramm, Bernard  L.  “Neo-orthodoxy” A Handbook of Contemporary Theology – Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1966. Print.





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