Politicians have been using “Jesus” to advocate their position on certain issues by asking the question: What would Jesus do!?
This question has been effective because of an acceptance by contemporary Christianity of cultural definitions applied to Jesus’ teaching. Imposing cultural understanding upon the teachings of Christ reflects a lack of biblical knowledge and understanding. Cultural understanding reflects the wisdom of the world which is diametrically opposed to biblical teaching.
What I mean by cultural understanding is how the culture defines biblical words. The word for love in our culture certainly does not resemble the agape love of Scripture.
When someone says I am a Christian, we should ask him/her; what do you mean by that? There are all kinds of ideas floating around in the culture concerning the how and what of becoming a Christian. The culture says all faiths are acceptable. The Jesus of Scripture says; I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes unto the Father but by me. That statement by the Lord is pretty exclusive. The Jesus many believe in is not the historical Jesus whose teachings are contained in the Bible.
An example of how politicians manipulate issues is gun control. Liberal thinkers will challenge Christians by asking; What would Jesus do?! That’s a you-got-me-now! question to many who have bought into the cultural conception of Jesus. Of course He is the Prince of peace and He has commanded us to love one another, so He must be against guns?! What can we say to that? How about; what does He (Jesus) have to say on the matter?
Then said he (Jesus) unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36
When the Lord sent out the disciples the first time, He told them not to take any money, food or extra clothing. When He sent them out in Luke 22 He told them to take money, and to sell their garment and purchase a sword. The word for sword in this passage is the same word that was used for the weapon used by the Temple guards and the Roman soldiers.
What we can say is that Jesus would tell us to go out and buy the same weapon(s) that the police and the military use and defend ourselves.
Another example is the issue of immigration. Liberal thinkers show pictures of illegals with children and ask; What would Jesus do?!
Israel in the Old Testament was a theocracy. That means they were ruled by God and Jesus is God. Do you know the requirement for becoming an Israelite in the Old Testament? An individual from outside the nation had to change religion to become an Israelite. That is certainly not a politically correct thing to require.
Maybe asking, what would Jesus do, is not so good an idea, if you really don’t know what He would do?
So what’s the point? The point is, if you know your Bible you will be less prone to being manipulated or intimidated by the world, the culture, political correctness and/or false teachers.
…..let the word of Christ dwell in you richly….