Death is Coming

Death is coming. For some of us, we can see the dust on the horizon rising from the wheels of his chariot, the time is so close. For others, the air is clear and still, there is no visible dust….., yet we are filled with apprehension, because we know he is coming. We ask ourselves…..will we see the dust or will we straighten up from some unfinished task as he pulls into the yard…?

Death is coming. It’s not a question of if he is coming, but when? His chariot wheels are already turning, his horse is lathered,…..and there is dust,….we just can’t see it yet. He’s on the way. The only thing to do….is to get prepared. Death will arrive shortly. Are you ready?*

What man is he that liveth, and shall not see death? shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave? Selah. Psalm 89:48

*From the gospel tract: He is Risen! by Monty McCoy copyright 1996.

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