There is an old (1938) Robin Hood movie that contains a scene that illustrates how all men will respond when Christ returns in glory to judge mankind.
King Richard I of England had been participating in the Crusades. Upon returning from one of his excursions, he is captured and held for ransom. Prince John who has ruled in Richard’s absence, begins raising a ransom through an oppressive tax. It becomes clear that he does not have King Richard’s best interests at heart. Prince John plans to become King in his place and pocket the ransom. Richard will never be freed.
Robin Hood sees through Prince John’s scheme and begins to oppose him. Prince John revokes Robin’s titles and confiscates his lands making Robin an outlaw with a price on his head. Seeing the corruption and oppression of Prince John, many men join Robin Hood’s band and live exiled from society in Sherwood Forrest. They begin to rob those loyal to Prince John and to provide protection for those whom John has stolen from and oppressed.
Meanwhile King Richard I either escapes captivity or is ransomed by some other means. Upon his return to England he realizes that he has been usurped and not knowing who is loyal to him, he begins to move about with a handful of men whom he trusts, disguised as monks.
Eventually they cross paths with Robin and his men. When Robin realizes the ”monks” are loyal to King Richard, he invites them to his camp to share a meal and to perhaps join his band. There King Richard sees the oppressed people that Robin and his men are protecting and providing for.
After hearing their stories of oppression and their hope for King Richard’s return, the King removes his monk’s hood and robe revealing his suit of mail and the royal crest. The camp’s reaction was instantaneous. They all, without hesitation and as one man, went to their knee and bowed in submission to their King.
One day Christ will return to earth. Every eye will see Him, every knee shall bow before Him, and every tongue will confess that He is Lord, to the glory of the Father……..whether ready or not.